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School of Human Sciences
Dean's Office
Seminarstraße 20
49074 Osnabrück
Telefon: +49 541 969 4404
Telefax: +49 541 969 14404
The School of Human Sciences comprises Health Sciences (German), Cognitive Science, Philosophy (German) and Psychology. Thanks to the diverse interfaces between these disciplines, teaching and research contexts can be enhanced and research priorities perfected. This is the case for Health Sciences and Psychology, for example, where intersections are primarily found in Clinical Psychology and Emotional Psychology – in addition to the largely convergent empirical/methodological tools applied. Cognitive Science and Health Sciences demonstrate intersections in Neurobiopsychology, so far primarily considered from a perspective of basic theory, or in specific parts of experimental studies/developments of information and communication technology support systems; Cognitive Science and Psychology, on the other hand, are linked by Personality Psychology and Neurobiopsychology, which are closely related to cognition. The traditional and more contemporary disciplines represented in Philosophy build a bridge to all of the School’s departments when questions are posed concerning ethics in health care culminating in questions concerning the mind and consciousness. Hence the departments of the School of Human Sciences, featuring a vast array of characteristics, are well connected and visible not only amongst themselves, but also within the rest of the University and outside it, thanks to their innovative approaches and the interdisciplinary research conducted.
In teaching, the Health Sciences are represented in degree programs by the disciplines Health Sciences, Nursing Science and Cosmetology, where students wishing to become teachers in Vocational Education are trained. Philosophy is involved in the polyvalent Dual Major Bachelor’s Degree. Both Cognitive Science and Psychology offer consecutive disciplinary studies. In addition to the traditional route to earning a PhD, which is possible in all departments of the School of Human Sciences, PhD programs in Cognitive Science and Psychology offer structured PhD studies. In Psychology, continuing education programs are offered in Psychotherapy (German), and Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy (German).
In research, the School has extensive interdisciplinary contact with the Center for Early Childhood Development and Education Research (CEDER) and the Costa Rica Center.
Teaching units and Institutes
Teaching unit Health Sciences (in German)
Institute of Cognitive Science
Institute of Psychology (in German)
Institute of Philosophy (in German)