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School of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences

Dean's Office
Seminarstraße 33
49069 Osnabrück
Telefon: + 49 541 969 4612
Telefax: + 49 541 969 4600
The School of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences ‒ an amalgamation of the former School of Social Sciences and School of Cultural Studies and Geography ‒ comprises institutes and departments of Geography, History, Art History, Art, Textile Design and Social Sciences. The second largest School at Osnabrück University, with over 30 professorships and some 3,000 students on numerous Bachelor and Master’s programs, has a broad range of departments and is closely interconnected in research and teaching both within the University and outside it.
In particular, the School maintains close connections to the research centers "Institute of Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS)", "Institute of Early Modern Intercultural Studies (IKFN)" and "Center for Early Childhood Development and Education Research (CEDER)". In addition, the School is associated with the EU-funded Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in European Studies, the Costa Rica Research Center and the Center for Democracy and Peace Research.
In teaching, the School offers its students not only Education degree programs, Dual Major and One-Subject Bachelor’s Degrees, but also various Master’s programs in Soils, Inland Waters and Contaminated Land; History; Art History: Architecture and Art within the Context of Cultural History; Economic and Social Geography; Democratic Governance and Civil Society; European Governance; Sociology: Dynamics of Social Change; and International Migration and Intercultural Relations (IMIB).
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Subjects und Institutes
Art History
Department of History
Social Sciences
Textile Design
Center for Early Childhood Development and Education Research
Center for the Study of Conflict & Peace (CeCoP)
Costa Rica Center
Institute of Early Modern Intercultural Studies
Institute of Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS)
Research Center Institute od Environmental Systems Research (IUSF)
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in European Studies