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Language Certificate

"Language Certificate" Information Sheet

Please read the following information sheet (PDF, 150 kB) carefully if you need a language certificate (PDF, 145 kB) for your application.

It is in your own best interests to have mastered the language of your target country before your departure at least to the degree that you can follow the lectures at your host university after a short period of adjustment. Please refer to the advertisement for the scholarship or the application documentation to establish what evidence of language proficiency you need. Some countries accept language tests that you can take at the Language Center at Osnabrück University. Some countries e.g. the USA, Canada, and in certain cases Australia and New Zealand only accept standardized language tests.


Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

The best-known language test is the TOEFL test. It is valid for two years and can be retaken as often as required. You should register for the test in good time! Testing dates are frequently fully booked and the whole process from booking a test to receiving the test results can take up to two months.

Language Courses

If you would like to improve or polish up your language abilities before your stay abroad, you can take a course at the Language Center at Osnabrück University, at the Volkshochschule adult education centers, or at a private language school.

We also recommend summer language schools that are offered by many universities abroad. They usually last three to four weeks. More information on summer schools is available from the German Academic Exchange Service.