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Open Access Publications
Why Open Access?
Open Access means unrestricted and free access to scientific information, research data and results and thus represents an alternative model of scientific publishing. Research results published with Open Access are available immediately after their publication dates. Thus impact and visibility of researchers rise permanently. Open access to scientific publications and research data improves information flow between researchers and knowledge transfer worldwide. The Osnabrück University supports Open Access as a sustainable form of modern science communication. More information can be found on the information website on Open Access and on the publication platform Open Journal Systems.
Services offered by the Osnabrück University
osnaDocs is the name of the institutional repository of the Osnabrück University. All university staff members have the opportunity to publish their documents online in this special repository. A detailed description of the features, content and legal framework can be found in the Intranet in the guidelines.
Open Access publication fund
Many renowned Open Access journals are financed by fees, so-called Article Processing Charges (APC), which have to be paid when the article is published. The Osnabrück University is part of the universities in Germany that provide a publication fund co-financed by the program" Open Access Publizieren" of the “Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft” ( DFG ). It serves to pay article charges for published open access journal articles.
Open Access in EU project
The funding guidelines of the EU research framework program Horizon 2020 require that project results have to be archived together with publications in a repository at the same time. They must also be accessible no later than 6 months thereafter. More information
We will advise on publication types, publishing contracts, copyright and answer your questions about electronic publishing and Open Access.
Electronic Publications, Open Access:
Anna Dönecke
Tel.: +49 541 969-4568
Raum: 10/311
Alte Münze 16/Kamp
49074 Osnabrück
Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs):
Dr. phil. Jost Hindersmann

Stabsstelle Elektronische Informationsdienste
Fachreferent für Anglistik/Amerikanistik, Medienwissenschaft, Psychologie
Tel.: +49 541 969-4335
Raum: 10/224
Alte Münze 16/Kamp
49074 Osnabrück
More information for university staff
More information about the publication fund to specific publishing agreements and republication rights can be found in the intranet.