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PhD interConnect
"PhD interConnect" is the International Office's support and qualification program for international PhD students.
The program includes a series of events such as workshops, seminars, excursions, discussion evenings and other formats.
Under guidance of the International Office, a group of four international doctoral students plans, promotes and organizes this series of events on topics of relevance to both international and local doctoral students.
This gives Ph.D. students the opportunity for further academic and non-academic qualification. In addition, interdisciplinary networks are formed and doctoral students are given the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing internationalization of the UOS.
Summer Semester 2024 event(s)
Effective Stress Management Techniques
Date: Monday, 1 July 2024, 1 pm
Place: Room 19/107b
PhD interConnect invites all international PhD students!
In today’s fast-paced world, managing stress has become increasingly critical to maintaining overall health and well-being. This presentation aims to provide you with practical tools and strategies to better handle the stressors of daily life and improve your mental and emotional resilience. We are thrilled at the prospect of sharing this event with you and hope that you will join us for an enlightening and empowering session. Should you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to seeing you at the event!
Online event:
Doctoral studies in Osnabrück: Formalities, Contacts and Support
Date: Friday, 21 June 2024, 1 pm
Organiser: Dr. Leonie Windt
Are you interested in assisting? Fill out this form!
The PhD interConnect team invites you to an online event where we will discuss some of the academic bureaucracy we must go through to successfully complete a doctorate at the University of Osnabrück. Our speaker will be Dr. Leonie Windt, who works at ZePrOs assisting doctoral students. The focus will be on familiarizing you with regulations and bureaucratic processes that postgraduate students should know about from enrollment to official recognition of the doctorate. Come and participate, if you want to learn how to complete your doctorate without any unpleasant surprises that could delay this vital step in your academic career.
Dr. Leonie Windt holds a PhD in English literature from the University of Muenster. She has worked in science management for the past ten years and is consultant for (prospective) doctoral candidates at ZePrOs since December 2022.
The team behind the summer term project 2024

Abeer Alhems
My name is Abeer Alhems, I’m from Egypt and I have been an academic staff since 2016. Currently, I am a PhD Student in School of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences - Textile design department, Osnabrück University, my research project is mainly focusing on similarities and differences of textiles educational system in Egyptian and German universities. While the two countries run their different educational policies, the main purpose of the study is to identify textile strategies of education regarding university curriculum, school preparation and teacher training in both countries from a comparative perspective; in order to address current issues and reach a deeper understanding of the ways to overcome. I‘m looking forward to spending a nice and creative time with PhD interConnect sharing my experience and meeting new students and colleagues.

Cyntia Machado
My name is Cyntia Machado and I am a history teacher in Brazil. I have a bachelor degree in History and in Law; a specialization in Public Security Policies and a Master's Degree in Labour Policies and Globalisation. Currently, I am cursing the second semester of my doctorate here in Osnabrück at IMIS. My main object of study is the domestic workers in Latin America, more precisely the struggle for better working conditions for this immense and ignored labor category. I'm very communicative and make friends easily. As a good Brazilian, I like to get people together and enjoy what life has to offer.
The team behind the winter term project 2023/24
Abeer Alhems
My name is Abeer Alhems, I’m from Egypt and I have been an academic staff since 2016. Currently, I am a PhD Student in School of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences - Textile design department, Osnabrück University, my research project is mainly focusing on similarities and differences of textiles educational system in Egyptian and German universities. While the two countries run their different educational policies, the main purpose of the study is to identify textile strategies of education regarding university curriculum, school preparation and teacher training in both countries from a comparative perspective; in order to address current issues and reach a deeper understanding of the ways to overcome. I‘m looking forward to spending a nice and creative time with PhD interConnect sharing my experience and meeting new students and colleagues.

Muhammad Haroon Kohi
My name is Muhammad Haroon Kohi and I am a DAAD-sponsored PhD scholar at the English Language and Linguistics Department at Osnabruck University. I have a BA in English language from Kabul University and a masters in TESOL from a joint project of Indiana University and Kabul Education University. I have worked in the field of English language teaching for almost 15 years. Teaching English as a foreign language and language discourse analysis constitute my research interest. In my current study, I am working on the feasibility and pragmatic implementation drawbacks of the Outcome-Based Education in the field of language teaching at Afghan public universities.
As a member of the PhD InterConnect team, I am looking forward to meeting new students and research scholars and to exchange ideas on strategies of learning German language.
Maryam Hosseini
I'm Maryam Hosseini. I was born and raised in Iran, Shiraz. I studied translation and linguistics in Tehran. I am a PhD candidate in English studies and linguistics, focusing on cognitive metaphor and emotion. As a member of PhD interconnect group, I will be glad to provide you with an informative workshop on „intercultural communication“, inviting a guest lecturer from the UK!
Your contact person for questions or feedback
Dr. Esteban Duran-Delgado
International Office
Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück
Sprechzeiten: Sprechzeiten: Eine Beratung erfolgt jederzeit per E-Mail. Per‐ sönliche Termine nach Vereinbarung. / Consultation any time by email. Personal appointments upon request.
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